Python: Boto3 for AWS

Boto3 is the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Software Development Kit (SDK) for Python. It enables developers to build software that uses Amazon services like EC2, S3, RDS, etc.

I will build a portable Python3.9 + Boto3 Docker environment to test some AWS automation tasks.

Build and run a docker with Python3.9 + Boto3

As I do not want to install Python, Boto3, and AWScli on my local PC, creating a Docker image with all software ready as a portable env is the best way to start.

  root@ubt-server:~# vim Dockerfile
  # Build from python:3.9.19-alpine3.19
  From python:3.9.19-alpine3.19 
  # install boto3 and awscli
  RUN pip install --upgrade pip && \
      pip install --upgrade awscli && \
      pip install --upgrade boto3
  # set work dir
  WORKDIR /work
  # run Python
  CMD "python"
  # build a docker image from the above Dockerfile 
  root@ubt-server:~# docker image build -t zack_aws_boto3 .
  # ls docker images 
  root@ubt-server:~# docker image ls
  REPOSITORY               TAG             IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
  zack_aws_boto3           v1              07a13f7801ed   1 days ago     998MB
  zackpy                   latest          287ba6873741   4 days ago     48.2MB
  zackz001/gitops-jekyll   latest          d92894f7be6d   6 days ago     70.9MB
  postgres                 15.0            027eba2e8939   19 months ago  377MB

  # run docker and mount local python work dir
  root@ubt-server:~/pythonwork# docker run -ti -v ${PWD}:/work zack_aws_boto3:v1 bash
  root@c04670a43564:/# cd work && ls

  # configure aws in the container
  root@c04670a43564:/work# aws configure 
  AWS Access Key ID [****************GFNW]: 
  AWS Secret Access Key [****************Db7O]: 
  Default region name [ap-southeast-2]: 
  Default output format [None]: 

  # validate aws cred by listing ec2 instance id 
  root@c04670a43564:/work# aws ec2 describe-instances --query "Reservations[*].Instances[*].InstanceId" --output json
Manage AWS resource with Python Boto3 script

Here we have Python and boto3 env ready; I will list some AWS tasks that I want to be achieved by Python scripts.

  • List EC2 instance name, instanceID, and state
  root@ubt-server:~/pythonwork# vim
  # import boto3 library
  import boto3

  def list_ec2_instances():
      # Create a session using default AWS profile
      session = boto3.Session()
      # Create an EC2 client
      ec2_client = session.client('ec2')

      # Describe EC2 instances
      response = ec2_client.describe_instances()

      # Iterate over the instances
      for reservation in response['Reservations']:
          for instance in reservation['Instances']:
              # Get the instance ID
              instance_id = instance['InstanceId']

              # Get the instance state
              instance_state = instance['State']['Name']

              # Get the instance Name tag if exists
              instance_name = 'No Name'
              if 'Tags' in instance:
                  for tag in instance['Tags']:
                      if tag['Key'] == 'Name':
                          instance_name = tag['Value']

              # Print instance ID, Name, and State
              print(f"Instance ID: {instance_id}, Name: {instance_name}, State: {instance_state}")

  if __name__ == "__main__":

  root@c04670a43564:/work# python 
  Instance ID: i-076226daa5aaf7cf2, Name: zack-blog, State: stopped
  • Filter EC2 instance without tag "owner"
  # create
  root@ubt-server:~/pythonwork# vim
  import boto3

  def get_untagged_ec2_instances():
      ec2_client = boto3.client('ec2')
      response = ec2_client.describe_instances()

      untagged_instances = []

      for reservation in response['Reservations']:
          for instance in reservation['Instances']:
              has_owner_tag = False
              if 'Tags' in instance:
                  for tag in instance['Tags']:
                      if tag['Key'].lower() == 'owner':
                          has_owner_tag = True

              if not has_owner_tag:
                  instance_id = instance['InstanceId']
                  instance_state = instance['State']['Name']
                  untagged_instances.append({'InstanceId': instance_id, 'State': instance_state})

      return untagged_instances

  untagged_instances = get_untagged_ec2_instances()
  print("Untagged Instances:", untagged_instances)

  # run script to filter untagged "owner" ec2 
  root@c04670a43564:/work# python 
  Untagged Instances: [{'InstanceId': 'i-076226daa5aaf7cf2', 'State': 'stopped'}]
  • Create lambda function to list EBS volume snapshots older than 30 days and delete them

To achieve this we need:

  1. Create lambda IAM role for lambda to manage EBS volume snapshot
  2. Create below Python lambda function
  3. Zip and upload zip function
  4. Create CloudWatch Event to Trigger and run it every 30 days
  # create lambda function to delete snapshots older than 30 days
  root@ubt-server:~/pythonwork# vim
  import boto3
  from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta

  def lambda_handler(event, context):
      ec2_client = boto3.client('ec2')

      # Get the current time
      now =

      # Define the time threshold
      time_threshold = now - timedelta(days=30)

      # Describe snapshots
      snapshots = ec2_client.describe_snapshots(OwnerIds=['self'])['Snapshots']

      # Filter snapshots older than 30 days
      old_snapshots = [snap for snap in snapshots if snap['StartTime'] < time_threshold]

      # Delete old snapshots
      for snapshot in old_snapshots:
          snapshot_id = snapshot['SnapshotId']
          print(f"Deleted snapshot: {snapshot_id}")

      return {
          'statusCode': 200,
          'body': f"Deleted {len(old_snapshots)} snapshots."

  # zip Package for the Lambda Function
  root@ubt-server:~/pythonwork# zip
  • Email me when a security group allows inbound SSH (port 22) from everywhere (

To achieve this, we need:

  1. AWS CloudTrail enable
  2. Create CloudWatch Event Rule to capture AWS CloudTrail logs for security group changes
  3. Create below Lambda Function if inbound allows port 22 from everywhere are met
  4. Allow CloudWatch Events to Invoke the Lambda Function
  5. Add the Lambda Function as a Target for the CloudWatch Event Rule

There are many ways to automate AWS tasks using Python Boto3 script. Together with Lambda and trigger, many resource tasks can be scheduled and managed in a scripted way.

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