Despite all the challenges, in the last 2 years, clever people still managed ways to deploy production-grade database within a Kubernetes cluster by using Kubernetes as a platform to develop custom resource definition (CRDs) like helm charts like bitnami/postgresql-ha, and PostgreSQL Operator like CrunchyData/postgres-operator or zalando/postgres-operator.
Last post I was able to deploy a single PostgreSQL in local k8s, but I had to manually create Kubernetes namespaces, define database creds, configuration and environment variables into k8s secret and configmap, also to define the statefulset yaml with volume claim template.
Still I was not able to configure HA and failover as I found it is so limited and a headache within K8S if only relying on statefulset. Luckily there are engineers out there to develop helm and operator to get the job done.
CrunchyData Postgres-OperatorIn this session, I will follow bellow steps to:
- Deploy PostgreSQL Operator
# Clone the CrunchyData Postgres Operator [root@freeipa-server ~]# git clone # create namespace and deploy GPO Postgres Operatorusing kustomize [root@freeipa-server postgres-operator-examples]# kubectl apply -k kustomize/install/namespace namespace/postgres-operator created [root@freeipa-server postgres-operator-examples]# kubectl apply --server-side -k kustomize/install/default serverside-applied serverside-applied serverside-applied serviceaccount/pgo serverside-applied serverside-applied serverside-applied deployment.apps/pgo serverside-applied # validate deploy status [root@freeipa-server postgres-operator-examples]# kubectl get all -n postgres-operator NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/pgo-77d6b49b8-wrdjp 1/1 Running 0 2m47sDeploy HA PostgreSQL Cluster
# Create a Postgres Cluster named "hippo" in "postgres-operator" ns [root@freeipa-server postgres-operator-examples]# kubectl apply -k kustomize/postgres created [root@freeipa-server postgres-operator-examples]# kubectl get all -n postgres-operator NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/hippo-backup-dvks-m4z5m 1/1 Running 0 56s pod/hippo-instance1-582s-0 4/4 Running 0 2m14s pod/hippo-repo-host-0 2/2 Running 0 2m14s pod/pgo-77d6b49b8-wrdjp 1/1 Running 0 6m38sConnect an application to PostgreSQL cluster
Here we use Keycloak, a popular open-source identity management tool that is backed by a PostgreSQL database. Using the hippo cluster we created, we can deploy the following manifest file:
# create deployment keycloak to connect PostgreSQL database [root@freeipa-server postgres-operator-examples]# vim kustomize/keycloak/keycloak.yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: keycloak namespace: postgres-operator labels: keycloak spec: selector: matchLabels: keycloak template: metadata: labels: keycloak spec: containers: - image: args: ["start-dev"] name: keycloak env: - name: DB_VENDOR value: "postgres" - name: DB_ADDR valueFrom: { secretKeyRef: { name: hippo-pguser-hippo, key: host } } - name: DB_PORT valueFrom: { secretKeyRef: { name: hippo-pguser-hippo, key: port } } - name: DB_DATABASE valueFrom: { secretKeyRef: { name: hippo-pguser-hippo, key: dbname } } - name: DB_USER valueFrom: { secretKeyRef: { name: hippo-pguser-hippo, key: user } } - name: DB_PASSWORD valueFrom: { secretKeyRef: { name: hippo-pguser-hippo, key: password } } - name: KEYCLOAK_ADMIN value: "admin" - name: KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD value: "admin" - name: KC_PROXY value: "edge" ports: - name: http containerPort: 8080 - name: https containerPort: 8443 readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /realms/master port: 8080 restartPolicy: Always [root@freeipa-server postgres-operator-examples]# kubectl apply -f kustomize/keycloak/keycloak.yaml deployment.apps/keycloak createdScale Up / Down
Edit manifest to add 2 more replicas

[root@freeipa-server kustomize]# kubectl apply -k postgres -n postgres-operator configured # watch change [root@freeipa-server postgres-operator-examples]# watch kubectl get pod -L -l -n postgres-operator

Now I am going to delete the primary instance, one of the standby pod will take over and become primary automatically
# delete the primary pod hippo-instance1-nhbc-0, then previous replica pod hippo-instance1-q8kk-0 promoted as master # pod hippo-instance1-nhbc-0 will up again as a replica [root@freeipa-server kustomize]# kubectl delete po hippo-instance1-nhbc-0 -n postgres-operator pod "hippo-instance1-nhbc-0" deleted

Here I changed the database version to 16.1, the cluster will start a rolling update by
- Applying new version to one of the standby pod first
- Then update another replica pod
- Promote the first upgraded replica as master
- Lastly the previous master pod will be updated and become a replica
# validate DB version before miner upgrade [root@freeipa-server kustomize]# kubectl exec -it hippo-instance1-q8kk-0 -n postgres-operator -- psql --version Defaulted container "database" out of: database, replication-cert-copy, pgbackrest, pgbackrest-config, postgres-startup (init), nss-wrapper-init (init) psql (PostgreSQL) 16.2

# validate DB version after miner version change [root@freeipa-server kustomize]# kubectl exec -it hippo-instance1-q8kk-0 -n postgres-operator -- psql --version Defaulted container "database" out of: database, replication-cert-copy, pgbackrest, pgbackrest-config, postgres-startup (init), nss-wrapper-init (init) psql (PostgreSQL) 16.1Backup
Add backup Cron job into manifest to add weekly full backup and daily incremental

[root@freeipa-server ~]# kubectl get cronjobs -n postgres-operator NAME SCHEDULE SUSPEND ACTIVE LAST SCHEDULE AGE hippo-repo1-full 0 1 * * 0 False 0Deploy Monitoring (Prom + Grafaba)5m21s hippo-repo1-incr 0 1 * * 1-6 False 0 5m21s
Finally, let's set up the monitoring stack for PostgreSQL by using Prometheus and Grafana.
# deploy monitoring stack [root@freeipa-server kustomize]# kubectl apply -k monitoring serviceaccount/alertmanager created serviceaccount/grafana created serviceaccount/prometheus created created created configmap/alert-rules-config created configmap/alertmanager-config created configmap/crunchy-prometheus created configmap/grafana-dashboards created configmap/grafana-datasources created secret/grafana-admin created service/crunchy-alertmanager created service/crunchy-grafana created service/crunchy-prometheus created persistentvolumeclaim/alertmanagerdata created persistentvolumeclaim/grafanadata created persistentvolumeclaim/prometheusdata created deployment.apps/crunchy-alertmanager created deployment.apps/crunchy-grafana created deployment.apps/crunchy-prometheus created # Edit Grafana service to NodePort [root@freeipa-server postgres-operator-examples]# kubectl edit svc crunchy-grafana -n postgres-operator service/crunchy-grafana edited
Execute into master database container, using pgbench to generate tables
[root@freeipa-server postgres-operator-examples]# kubectl exec -it hippo-instance1-nhbc-0 -c database -n postgres-operator -- bash bash-4.4$ pgbench -i -s 100 -U postgres -d postgres dropping old tables... NOTICE: table "pgbench_accounts" does not exist, skipping NOTICE: table "pgbench_branches" does not exist, skipping NOTICE: table "pgbench_history" does not exist, skipping NOTICE: table "pgbench_tellers" does not exist, skipping creating tables... generating data (client-side)... 10000000 of 10000000 tuples (100%) done (elapsed 45.61 s, remaining 0.00 s)

Some Grafana predefined PostgreSQL dashboard, unfortunately I do not have much data in it to show more monitoring status.

This is the final session of this PostgreSQL series, together I have explored PostgreSQL from very basic docker deployment with replica, to production-grade deployment in Kubernetes using operator, practice from backup, monitoring, rolling update, to HA, failover, and scale up. HAHA!