About Zack-web Gitops project!

Project Introduction

This is my first web blog using Jekyll, as a practical way by following Cloud Resume Challenge to build my cloud and devops concept and technical skillsets. ~~

The Design

By design, I will create:

  • a web blog Zack's Blog: with content and details to introduce myself
  • a github repo zack-gitops-project: to source control all code that I build and run locally by "jekyll serve", validate site and pages, then push the source code to github.
  • a Dockerfile to build jekyll code into a docker image running by nginx/alpine
  • 3 folders with manifests for staging and prod webapp deploy:
    • /terraform for creating AWS VPC and EKS to host the website as the production environment;
    • /k8s-local-deploy for website image deployment to local K8S as testing;
    • /eks-deploy for prod deployment with ArgoCD application manifest
  • a EC2 instance: as staging environment for AWS with Godaddy domain hosting test
  • a EKS cluster: as PROD environment to validate ArgoCD sync for web deployment

The Architecture

image tooltip here

This is the design of the CICD pipeline in GitHub Action workflow to auto build docker images for this website every time I make a code change and commit to my git repo zack-gitops-project [Branch: editing]

image tooltip here

Zack's Blog

def hello_world():
    print("Hello, world!")


Welcome to Zack's Blog

Join me for fun journey about ##AWS ##DevOps ##Kubenetes ##MLOps

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