Captain Adorable
date: 2024-3-26 19:15:29 +1100 categories: Joe's Post
Key Words: "Adventure" "superhero" "baby" "supervillains"
Chapter 1 - A newborn hero
Once upon a time, a baby sister called Amelia was born in a hospital. It was fine until the nurses struggled to pull her out of her mother. They tried all sorts of methods until they had completed the job. The reason was simple: Amelia had a big head.
As time went by, Amelia's parents noticed more extraordinary things happening to her. For example, Her pillows were missing and her toys turned to goo, her poo was colourful unlike any other baby. They also found baby food was the best way to attract her as she could eat them very quickly. As a result, she became a big fat baby that had to wear 12-month clothes when she was only 4 months old.
Due to her fat, laziness, cuteness, and sweetness, Amelia's family offered a nickname to her: Captain Adorable.
Not long afterwards, the household figured that Amelia could produce saliva with the power to melt anything. Her big brother Joe once gave her a toy and it magically disappeared as soon as she put it into her mouth. Everyone panicked except the innocent baby, so they visited the doctors to try to fix the saliva problem. However, everything about her seemed normal after all the medical tests. The family decided to keep it a secret, making sure her power wouldn't be exposed.
Coming Soon
Chapter 2 - Dr. Destructe
Chapter 3 - Secret is out
Chapter 4 - The first fight
Chapter 5 - The Rat
Chapter 6 - Breaking News
Chapter 7 - Devastation
Chapter 8 - The final battle
Chapter 9 - The Birthday